What’s on Your Workbench?

From Ron Polimeni

As I’ve mentioned here in the past, not having a model railroad of my own doesn’t preclude participating and having fun with model railroading. Thanx to the friends I’ve made through my participation in the NMRA and SMD in particular, I’m having more fun with model railroading than ever before.

Of the many facets of this hobby that I enjoy, one is the resurrecting of old models. “Flea Market Finds” if you will. This old 1880’s Mantua combine could have been had for perhaps 50 cents, if it wasn’t in the freebie box. It had a missing truck and the truss rods, made of steel wire for some reason, were badly rusted. The model probably dates to the 1950s and was intended to accompany Mantua’s “General ” 4-4-0 locomotive kit. I recall purchasing one of those kits at Polk’s Hobbies in Manhattan in the early ’70s for $15. Does anyone remember Polk’s? They later produced their own line of hobby goods under the Aristo-Craft name (if memory serves). The store itself offered five floors of hobby goods. Each floor was devoted to a particular specialty (plastic models, model railroading, R/C, etc).

Prototype railroads often repurposed old rolling stock so I decided to do the same with this old combine. As it is now, the car is ready for detailing. The rusty truss rods have been removed, the cupola is in place, the windows beneath plugged and the grab irons are slowly being installed.   Much tedious drilling ahead.

Also on my bench are this pair of International KB-6 box trucks. Nothing says the 1950s like vintage trucks and these old Internationals are classics. I have no idea who manufactured these models save that they were made in China. No idea where I purchased them either.   They’re nice period trucks except for the paint/graphics. I decided to strip one and see what I could do to make it more period correct. The paint appeared to be fairly thick and hard.  I removed the tires and plastic wheels before using ‘Strypeeze‘ on the metal body.

Unbeknownst to me, the headlights and the roof of the cargo box are also plastic. While the box roof may be salvageable, the headlights simply dissolved.

I was able to recreate the headlights using a 1/8″ styrene rod. Filing a cone shape on the end of the rod and cutting it off created the headlight buckets.

The stands were fashioned from styrene scraps. I’d hoped to have the truck painted for this issue of the WR but that will have to wait till I can arrange a visit to Mainline Hobby for suitable colors.

Who Built this Locomotive?

From Jack Fritz

If you’ve been keeping old copies of the Railroad Model Craftsman (RMC), you’ll find a better photo of this locomotive in the May 1978 issue. It’s a super-detailed Model Die Casting Company (MDC)[recently part of Athearn’s Ready To Roll® HO lineup -ed] “Old Time 2-8-0” simulating Ma & Pa’s No. 25. The piece in the RMC was written by Stanley A. Harris and in the article, he mentions living near Ma & Pa (Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad) trackage in Baltimore, so he may still be with us.

I obtained this gem from the sale of Bob Thatcher’s collection after he passed away a couple of years ago. As it turns out I have several models, some partially built, and a couple completed models of this MDC product. It’s truly a great product for those who are interested in early 20th-century small railroad steam.           The model is DC with an open frame motor and runs as expected, not that well. I’m thinking about how to re-motor and re-gear this to include sound and DCC. I hesitate to tinker with it because it’s such a good looker and therefore is sitting in a wall display case along with some early brass. Since my layout remains DC it’s become an intellectual exercise for now.

Master Builder – Scenery

From Jane Clarke

South Mountain Division Achievement Coordinator Jane Clarke reports that John Pursell of Chambersburg, PA received his Master Builder – Scenery certificate this past year. To earn this John demonstrated “the prototypical rendering of scenic effects from the ground up” on his layout. John has been a frequent contributor to the newsletter. His efforts at home and at the Cumberland Valley Model Railroad Club have graced the covers of Wheel Report editions last winter and spring. Pursell’s HO scale 12 x 28” layout is around-the-walls construction, using L-girder and plywood, set at a height of 53”, and operated with MRC DCC. The backdrop is painted hardboard and the scenery is on foam with a glue shell. Based in the 1950s, the layout depicts the bridge crossings over the Delaware River between Easton, PA, and Phillipsburg, NJ.

SMD Draft Meeting Minutes 14 November

Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser

Draft Meeting Minutes – November 14, 2021

Division members met remotely on the internet using the Zoom platform.  15 or so were present.  Superintendent Alex Polimeni opened the zoom session prior to the published start time for logging in and sharing.  

During the lead-up to the meeting, there were compliments made about the excellent job that Wheel Report Editor Tom Fedor has done in giving the SMD a very professional-looking publication. 

The Superintendent called the business meeting to order at about 2:30 pm.

21.11-1 Paymaster’s Report:  Paymaster Ray Price reported that as of September 30, 2021, the SMD bank balance was $3,658.43.  That includes the $12 expenditure for the fall Wheel Report and a deposit of $35 from the MER.  The memorial contribution for Jerry Skeim has not been made yet but will be made shortly.

21.11-2 Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes):  The attendees dispensed with the reading/summary of the minutes (previously distributed by email).  Ron Polimeni made the following motion (second by Bob Morningstar):

Motion:  That the draft Minutes for the May 2021 meeting be approved as submittedThe motion passed unanimously.

Old Business:  (No items of old business were discussed.)

New Business:

21-11.3 Zoom Subscription:  The Superintendent reported that the Zoom subscription was renewed automatically in August 2021.  He will submit the expense at the December meeting for reimbursement.

The Superintendent also indicated that one reason he renewed was our need for storage capacity for the recorded Hobby Hangouts.

21-11.4 Holiday Cards:  The expenditure last year was $175.  It was noted that last year’s cards resulted in several renewed contacts (and unfortunately one death notice).  The discussion indicated that keeping in contact with these cards was good for the SMD.  Andrew Roberts offered to investigate the card service his business uses, which may be less expensive; it also permits flexibility of graphics.  Members expressed a desire to rotate the prototype depicted (in other words, not all PRR).  Tom Fedor has many layout photos that might be used.

Andrew Roberts made the following motion (second by Ron Polimeni):

Motion:  That the expenditure of up to $150 is pre-approved for 2021 holiday cardsThe motion passed unanimously.

21-11.5 Superintendents’ Meeting:  The meeting, customarily held during the MER Convention, was held remotely this year by zoom.  Superintendent Polimeni did not attend.

21-11.6 Spring 2022 SMD Meetings:  The Superintendent reminded members that he will confer with 

the Officers and Advisory Committee as to whether it is safe to hold in-person meetings yet.  He also noted the need to find willing hosts.

Bob Morningstar reported that the Greencastle High-Line Station is a possible venue that would allow for greater social distancing than a crowded layout.  Attendees could bring something they have been working on.

21-11.7 Other Gatherings:  Don Florwick and Steve King went in-person to the MER Convention.  (No one was sure how Achievement Program judging was done at the Convention.)  Pete and Jane Clarke have held an in-person operating session.  An O scale meet was held on 11-13-21 with 12-20 participants and no masks or distancing.

On the other hand, one Four County member, who attended the recent Timonium Show, did contract covid.

21-11.8 Jerry Skeim’s Layout and Models:  Elizabeth Boisvert (Jerry’s daughter) indicated her family’s desire to clear the space soon and to dispose of the collection to other modelers who will put the items to use.  Since Jerry had not gotten much beyond the benchwork stage, his collection includes tools, some DCC equipment (not set up), a small amount of track, scenery supplies, a few structures, and On30 rolling stock models still in boxes.  The layout is in Thurmont, MD.  Several options were reviewed:

  • The SMD is taking an acting role.  Past experience reported from the MARS group suggests a plan of action:  a) create an inventory, b) organize a take-down “party,” c) salvage what can be salvaged, and d) sell the collection at a train show or on eBay.  It was pointed out that online sites must report the proceeds of sales to the IRS as ordinary, taxable income.
  • Try to sell as much as possible locally.
  • Bring in a model train collection buyer to make a blanket offer.
  • Holding a one-day sale at the house once the situation is assessed.
  • SMD is organizing a group of volunteers to aid the family in assessing the situation.  Bob Johnson suggested himself, Bill Reynolds, and Bob Charles (for pricing assistance).  Andrew Roberts also volunteered to help.

The Division expressed its desire to help.  The sense of the discussion was that the last of the above alternatives would be the course of action for now.  Elizabeth indicated that Jerry had an inventory, which she will search for.  She also will take photos of the collection and benchwork. 

21-11.9 Future MER Convention in the SMD Area:  When asked, the Superintendent indicated he has not been approached to host a convention.

21-11.10 Gifts to the NMRA Library:  Andy Arnold asked how to make donations and was directed to Mary Miller, who donated some of Bill Miller’s books.

21-11.12 Hobby Hangout:  A remote get-together by zoom is scheduled for Friday, November 26, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.  Members had been notified of the date and time by the notice for this meeting.

Adjournment:  The Superintendent accepted a motion to adjourn.  The next meeting will be held remotely by zoom on Sunday, December 12, 2021, at 2:00 p.m.  Members will be reminded by email.