SMD officer elections were held at the 19 May business meeting for the upcoming 2019-2020 fiscal year. The previous administration was unanimously reelected. The current officers are:
Author: smdnmra
May Business Meeting Announcement
Hey everyone,
Now that spring has sprung, I hope you’ve all been having a good one. I’m writing to invite you to our last membership meeting of the ’18-’19 year at Bill Wilson’s home this coming Sunday, May 19th. Doors open at 2PM to view the layout, with the business meeting and a clinic to promptly follow. Bill models an HO scale point-to-point B&O freelance set in the 1950’s, and Bob Geldmacher will be giving a clinic on scenery. For Bill’s address, contact me at
In other news, the Division had another outstanding Mini-Con this past month, with the largest public turnout we’ve seen to date and an all-around great job representing the Division. Thank you.
Looking ahead, our most significant item of new business this meeting will be in regard to our annual officer’s election. While our current board of officers have all agreed to serve another term, and there have been no other nominations that we have been made aware of, the election process has broken down in a number of ways, and I would like to ask the Division’s input to help satisfactorily resolve the situation as we wrap up the year. I’ll have more info on this with my second meeting reminder this Friday.
Hope to see you all soon,
Alex Polimeni, Superintendent, SMD
Draft Meeting Minutes – March 9, 2019
South Mountain Division
Mid-East Region – National Model Railroad Association
Draft Meeting Minutes – March 9, 2019
There was no SMD meeting in February because of difficulties finding a host.
Division members met at Hobby Town USA in Frederick, MD, hosted by Richard Benjamin, proprietor. 25 or so were present. After looking at the shop’s offerings and socializing, Superintendant Alex Polimeni called the business meeting to order.
19.3-1 Paymaster’s Report: Paymaster Ray Price reported that the Division has $4032.75 in its bank account including a deposit from the MER. In response to a question, the Paymaster indicated that the SMD receives $1 per year per member (in two payments). For the most part, that revenue seems to cover Division expenses. Other possible revenue sources include the Mini-Con and hosting Regional conventions.
19.3-2 Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes): Clerk Harvey Heyser summarized the draft minutes (based on notes taken by Dave Sweeney in the Clerk’s absence and previously distributed by e-mail). Dave Sweeney made the following motion (seconded by Andy Dodge):
Motion: That the draft Minutes for the January 2019 meeting be approved as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
Those present agreed that the sense of the motion made at the January meeting was that a summary of draft minutes for approval will be sufficient (rather than reading).
Old Business:
18.10-4 2019 Mini-Con: Date: Saturday, April 13, 2019. Location: Blue Ridge Fire Company, Blue Ridge, PA. Chair Pete Clarke ( summarized arrangements to date and indicated arrangements were in good shape generally:
a. Registration and set up: Volunteers lined up.
b. Informal clinics: Lined up. Chair Clarke reviewed presenters and topics.
c. Hands-on clinics (make & take): Lined up. There will be a lot of preparation required.
d. Formal clinics (afternoon): 1) Philadelphia MER Convention Committee – brief convention announcement, 2) Jeff Grove – laser technology in modeling, 3) Ira Silverman, author of The Canadian, Last of the Great Streamliners, and 4) Alex Polimeni – model railroad operations as game design. Superintendant Polimeni will bring the projector and screen.
e. Dealer and vendor tables: 1) Larry Nyce – railroadiana, 2) Grant Berry, 3) Jeff Grove – Carolina Craftsman Kits, 4) Mark Scheirer – Foggy Mountain Models – O scale craftsman kits, 5) Dave Sweeney, 6) Bob VanZant, and Michael Groves – Darwin fiber optic system of lights.. Vendors have agreed to make a $10 donation. Chair Clarke requested notification of any specific vendor needs.
f. Modular layouts: George Saar – dead rail layout and (Mr. Saar was unable to attend.) Andy Van Slyke – F scale (large scale) live steamer on rollers. Chair Clarke will coordinate proper safety measures.
g. Raffle – $150 gift certificate to Mainline Hobbies – $10 ticket price.
h. Door prizes – $50 gift certificate to Hobby Town USA, Frederick, an HOn3 MDC kit loco from Andy Dodge and a Classic Miniatures craftsman kit from Bob Johnson.
i. SMD brochure to hand out – not discussed.
j. Participation by other clubs and groups: Hagerstown and Frederick Railroad Historic Society, the Four County Society of Model Engineers, and the Hagerstown Model Railroad Museum at Antietam Station will be there.
k. Publicity – not discussed specifically.
l. Video record: HO Scale Customs, who taped last year’s Mini-Con, will be present taping this year’s and requested some comments from informal clinic presenters (with permission only).
m. Manufacturer’s displays: See item e. above.
n. White elephant table: Those present discussed their desire for one and reviewed the effect on Mainline Hobbies.. Frank Benenati volunteered to set up a tally sheet, get change, and make other arrangements for the table. The Division will accept donations rather than charge a set fee for items sold.
o. Food: The Boy Scout group confirmed their participation after Chair Clarke managed to contact them.
p. Equipment needed form SMD members: Chair Clarke requested extension cords and surge protectors, and coolers. (Coolers were not required because the Boy Scouts were confirmed for food.)
New Business:
19.3-3 Richard Benjamin, proprietor, welcomed everyone to Hobby Town USA of Frederick, MD. Those present thanked him for making space available for the meeting.
19.3-4 E-mails to Members: Superintendent Polimeni reported some difficulties reaching some addresses from the Division’s G-mail accounts. To minimize chances of being confused with junk mail, it was suggested breaking up the membership list (reducing the number of addresses) and making multiple mailings.
19.3-5 Future hosts: The officers met to discuss this issue. A host for the May meeting has been found.
19.3-6 Nominations for the Election (May meeting): Submit names to Scott Schill, Nominations Chair.
19.3-7 Andy Dodge thanked the SMD for the opportunity to participate in SMD activities and indicated he has transferred his membership to the Potomac Division, where he will be serving as Assistant Superintendent.
19.3-8 Winchester Club Layout: Andy Arnold reported that CSX has accepted an offer from the battered women’s shelter to purchase the building the Club currently occupies. The Club is fundraising to build a new building and layout (estimated funding needed – $60,000). In the mean time they have to tear their existing layout down. Documenting that task offers someone interested in AP author credits an opportunity to write about the process of tearing a layout down.
19.3-9 Talking about Our Hobby with Lay People: There is a wide interest in learning about model railroading. How do we communicate with the general public? This was suggested as a round table topic for next year’s Mini-Con.
Adjournment: The Chair accepted a motion to adjourn. Notice of the May SMD meeting and annual election will be communicated to the members.
Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser
Following the meeting, Dr. Michael Groves from Darwin Enterprises spoke on ‘A Revolutionary Way to Light Your Hobby” using low cost fiber optics rather than the complicated wiring required for numerous LEDs.
Liberty Bell 2019 News
Submitted by Chip Stevens/Philly Division, NMRA
The baseball season has started, in some parts of the region the grass is greening and yard work is fast approaching. And all over the region, Liberty Bell 2019 is also fast approaching. We’ve been busy on your behalf readying a memorable fall get-together. The clinic schedule is filled, 41 layout owners have agreed to sponsor open houses, and several operating sessions have been scheduled. There is still room for layout owners outside the Philly division who want to open their layouts for travelers to let us know their intentions to rest weary travelers. Those interested should email Bill Fagan at There is also ops information available on the convention website at Note, you can sign up for automatic updates on the convention status on the site.
In our last communication, we described the extensive, behind the scenes Saturday trip available on the former Reading branch now called the Colebrookdale Railroad. This all-day trip will demonstrate everything from locomotive startup through duties of the various crew members and will include opportunities for photo run-bys. Sign ups for this trip are on the convention website at Please note, there is a capacity limitation for this trip, so register early.
Remember that the host hotel has extended their room rate discount to attendees due to the Columbus Day holiday on the Monday after the close of the convention. With this in mind, there are a couple of NON-NMRA SPONSORED/NON-NMRA ENDORSED attractions will available to attendees after our wrap-up Sunday morning. The historic Norfolk & Western (Norfolk Southern) steam engine #611 will be offering trips under steam Sunday and Monday on the Strasburg Railroad. We have reserved a block of discounted tickets for the Sunday afternoon trip which is available through the convention registration page. Tickets are $10 for adults, $6 for children. Please note, this reservation must be made by July 31, 2019 as the remaining tickets must be returned to the railroad on August 1st. Strasburg is approximately 65 miles west of the convention hotel. Also situated at Strasburg is the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, dedicated primarily to the Pennsylvania Railroad, but of major interest to all train enthusiasts. More information on either of these attractions can be found at and In a different direction, weekend operations are scheduled on the Reading and Northern Railroad and the Lehigh Valley Gorge Railroads.
As you can see, we have a lot planned at the convention and there are many opportunities to have a total railroad experience while you are in Pennsylvania. As we said before, all roads lead to King of Prussia!
Colebrookdale RR Tour Added to Liberty Bell Convention
Submitted by Chip Stevens/Philly Division, NMRA
We’ve been battling the cold weather as many of you have been recently, but we have made good progress on Liberty Bell 2019 scheduled for October 2019.
Our clinic schedule has begun to gel. We have a great list of speakers and subjects committed to us or penciled into our draft clinic schedule which will be published later this spring. The highlight so far is a seminar about The Hot Rod Chicken. No, it’s not barbecues nor car racing, but the description looks intriguing. We have also had several well-known manufacturers volunteer to do “Make and Take” clinics carrying a small charge for materials.
But the biggest development firmed up is the Saturday, October 12th Day on the Colebrookdale Railroad. The railroad was a branch line of the former Reading Railroad. Our tentative plans are to meet at the Boyertown, PA yard at 9 AM to review the days plan. We will then have a locomotive tour and go through the actual start up process for a day’s locomotive work. Next, we’ll have an abbreviated explanation of the conductors and brakeman’s duties followed by an Initial Terminal Test and Inspection walk of our train and a crew meeting.
After boarding a passenger coach, there will be a raffle for tickets giving the winners an actual cab ride during the day’s trip. Three photo run by’s are scheduled prior to lunch in the dining car. After arrival in Pottstown, PA, a run-around is slated with a Continuity test scheduled prior to the start of the return trip to Boyertown. There is an additional photo op scheduled during the return trip which should reach Boyertown by 3 PM., in time for the Saturday night banquet. One of our division members is working with the railroad to add additional features to this exciting day. Cost information for this trip should be on the Liberty Bell website by the time you read this summary. Work is under way on additional tours, but so far, this is my favorite.
For updates and additional activities and convention and hotel reservations, please visit the Regional websites,, or regularly.