NMRA Recommended Practices

Real Men Don’t Read NMRA’s Recommended Practices

From Jay Beckham

In 2000 I changed from HO to O scale. In HO a 36-inch minimum radius was a nice-looking curve. I  figured that 50-inch would be fine for O scale, particularly since I was modeling the South Shore which was an interurban line. I also did not consider that if I found a Little Joe it would require a larger radius because of its two eight-wheel trucks. But real men don’t read NMRA’s Recommended Practices (RP).

Now, jump forward 20 years to modeling the PRR’s Northern Central branch from Baltimore to Harrisburg, and the recent purchase of two PRR EMD E8 units. These engines have all-wheel pick-ups and are close-coupled. They run poorly on my curves. Then I added some 80-foot passenger cars, and the derailing began. My disregard for radius had come back to bite me.

According to the NMRA Recommended Practices, six-wheel trucks and 80-foot cars require a 58-inch minimum radius. Due to existing constraints, I am compromising with a 60-inch minimum. The RP also recommends a #6 switch. I have dozens of Atlas #5s. Fortunately, when I built the Penn Station area, I had laid large radius curves. I did the same at the site of my northbound staging representing the New York area.

The worst area (above) is that area previously known as Warren’s Gap. The inside track was 49” radius and the outside track 53” radius. So, I removed the track and roadbed and rebuilt that area with the inside track at 60” and the outside track at 64”.

This will become New Freedom with a small town (above), a business or two, plus the PRR passenger station.

A second area (above) had a pocket track leftover from South Shore days and because of the switch and pocket track, there was an “S” curve of about 48” radius.

I removed the switch and the pocket track  (above) to eliminate that problem.

Another major area that requires widening (above) is the area entering Baltimore. It includes an Atlas double track truss bridge. The approaches to the bridge in both directions varied from 48” to 60”. I am still in the process of removing the old track and extending the benchwork (below) about 3-4 inches to allow for 60” and 64” standards.

I am not sure if the bridge will still fit so the tracks at the end of the bridge (left) may need to be re-laid to 60” radius. The photo shows the tracks before being enclosed by a tunnel.

There are many more areas on the layout that may require radius corrections. They will be addressed in the coming months. I plan to build #6 switches using Fast Tracks and replace all my Atlas #5 switches. The nickel-silver plating is wearing off most of those switches anyway, and a #5 is below the recommended practices. In addition, the frogs are very difficult to solder leads to for powering.

So, what have I learned in this process? Standards and recommended practices have a purpose. My advice is to do your homework. Pay attention to what others say and have experienced. You may be able to apply their methods to your work.

After building a large layout I feel I could write a book about things to do and not to do.

Consider layout height so you can sit underneath to work on switches and wiring. Consider sectional construction so you can move without destroying years of work. Keep detailed spreadsheets of everything on the layout for the sake of your heirs. I feel I could go on and on.

Photos by Jay Beckham and Wilbur Snyder

SMD on Facebook

From Tom Fedor

Join the SMD on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/2575338559196447. Members like Steve Johnson of Frederick, MD [Johnson’s modeling is our fall newsletter cover art -ed.] and Jay Beckham of Berkeley, WV, (via posts from Wilbur Snyder) regularly share their amazing modeling with us. You can share too. Join the SMD Facebook community to share your modeling, ask questions, contribute rail-related news and announcements, post calls for operating sessions, and list your for-sale items (personal ads only, no business use). While the site is unmoderated, it is monitored, and membership to the group must be approved by Division administrators.

Meeting Postponed – NEW Date: Sunday, 16 Jan. 2:00 PM

Alex Polimeni, superintendent 

Hey everyone,

I hope the holidays treated you well, and you’re navigating this latest variant of COVID-19 in good health! I’m writing to let you know that I’d marked the 16th, not the 9th, as the second Sunday in January (and the fact that 14, not 16, is 2×7 is not lost on me…)

To allow folks more of a head’s up than last month, and given the precedent of meeting on the 3rd Sunday in May every year anyway, our January meeting will be POSTPONED until Sunday, January 16, at 2 PM via Zoom. I’ll be sending another reminder Thursday evening with the meeting info and agenda. Until then, please take a moment to catch up on last month’s minutes, dutifully compiled by our ineffable clerk Harvey Heyser.

If you can, please clear your afternoon this coming Sunday.  2022 is already shaping to be a big year for SMD, and it would be great to workshop what’s to come with as many of you as possible!

Best regards,

Alex Polimeni


SMD Draft Meeting Minutes 12 December

Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser

Draft Meeting Minutes – December 12, 2021

Division members met remotely on the internet using the Zoom platform. 18 or so were present.  Superintendent Alex Polimeni opened the zoom session prior to the published start time for logging in and sharing. 

During the lead-up to the meeting, the following was shared:

  • Pete and Jane Clarke have scheduled another operating session on their HOn3 EBT.
  • The Four County MRR Society has an HO modular layout with 6 scale miles of track on display at the Westminster Mall.

The Superintendent called the business meeting to order at about 2:30 pm.

21.12-1 Paymaster’s Report:  Paymaster Ray Price reported that as of November 30, 2021, the SMD bank balance was $3,508.43, reflecting the memorial donation to Breast Cancer Awareness of Cumberland County. The Superintendent will forward invoices for the Zoom renewal to the Paymaster.

21.12-2 Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes): The attendees dispensed with the reading/summary of the minutes (previously distributed by e-mail). Ron Polimeni made the following motion (second by John Madden):

Motion: That the draft Minutes for the November 2021 meeting be approved as submitted.  The motion passed unanimously.

Old Business: 

21-11.4 Holiday Cards: Andrew Roberts reported that the paperless card option was not preferred; so, actual cards will be sent.

21-11.6 Spring 2022 SMD Meetings: The Superintendent expressed cautious optimism about in-person meetings in the spring, but the January 2022 meeting will still be held remotely by zoom. He will confer with the officers and Advisory Committee.

21-11.8 Jerry Skeim’s Layout and Models: Bob Johnson, John Madden, and Ron Polimeni were thanked for dismantling Jerry’s layout. The layout featured some very nice carpentry and used exterior grade birch plywood “lumber” extensively. A considerable amount of lumber was saved. Elizabeth Boisvert was grateful since she needs the space to live in so she can be close to her mother. 

New Business:

21-12.-3 Achievement Program Progress: Coordinator Jane Clarke announced that, at the recent MER Convention, John Pursell had 3 models judged for the structures and cars certificates.


The Superintendent accepted a motion to adjourn. The next meeting will be held remotely by zoom on Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. Members will be reminded by e-mail.

Loads In, Empties Out

From Rich Randall

I have a double-sided backdrop on my layout where there will eventually be a “Loads In – Empties Out” function. The St. Maries side has a plywood mill, currently in place, which will receive empty bulkhead flatcars and produce loaded cars. The door will be a rollup type.

On the other side of the backdrop, Marengo, there will be a plant of some kind that receives loaded bulkhead flatcars and produces empty cars. I was looking for a quick way to put a building in place on the Marengo side. I was constrained by existing trackage.

Rummaging through my stuff, I came across a Broadway Limited Cannery kit. I had three of these at one time since they are very flexible. The kit has material to build a factory with corrugated sides and roof, using plenty of heavy styrene sheets, factory windows, and aluminum corrugated siding strips.

So I devised a way to place the building on an angle so that a single car could be placed inside.


It took quite a bit of trial and error to create a design that would clear the cars adequately. I used miscellaneous plastic pieces to strengthen the styrene joints.

The conventional swing doors are made of wood and will be operated by some kind of screw mechanism attached to the tops of each door. This will be a subject of a future exercise.

I weathered the structure, but maybe too much.