SMD Draft Meeting Minutes 11 September

Draft Meeting MinutesSeptember 11, 2022

Division members met remotely on the internet using the Zoom platform.  14 or so were present.  In Superintendent Bob Johnson’s absence, past Superintendent Alex Polimeni chaired the meeting.  Heopened the Zoom session prior to the published start time for logging in and sharing.  

During the lead-up to the meeting, the following was shared:

The Superintendent was visiting the Grand Canyon.
Don Florwick reported that he has converted his passenger car fleet to heavy-weights with 6-wheel trucks – more appropriate for the era and region of his railroad.  He thanked Bob Johnson and Dottie Polimeni for assistance in working out track kinks to make the new cars run reliably.
The Four County Society will not be setting up for the Timonium fall show as they work on the modules in preparation for future displays.
Chair Polimeni apologized for not forwarding the draft minutes and made an informal posting using Zoom features.

The Chair called the business meeting to order at about 2:30 pm.  

22.91Paymaster’s Report:  Paymaster Ray Price reported the SMD bank balance was $3,507.91. That balance does not reflect the $50 contribution to the Greencastle High Line Station Fundauthorized by motion at the May meeting (Item # 22.5-6).  The Paymaster requested forwarding information.  It was not clear whether the balance reflected payment for the 2022-23 Zoom renewal ($157.40).

22.9-2Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes):  As mentioned above, members were not able to review the draft minutes prior to the meeting.  In addition, the Chair reported the Superintendent’s plan to handle the minutes in a different manner.  As a result, approval of draft minutes was deferred until the October meeting.  Clerk Harvey Heyser requested member feedback on several uncertain matters related to the March and May minutes.  Members shared the following:

March 2022 – During the Clerk’s Zoom disconnection, members approved the February 2022 draft minutes as submitted and focused on the Mini-Con during the following discussion.

May 2022 – The motion made to elect by acclimation was for the entire slate of officer candidates (not only for Superintendent).  No one else was running.

22-9.3Future Minutes:  The clerk indicated he is unlikely to be able to attend upcoming meetings in-person and requested assistance with note taking.  The Chair suggested the Clerk forward a list of his requirements for the notes and for electronic document transmission.  The Clerk will continue to formatthese notes into formal minutes.  The Clerk will be able to attend by Zoom or by phone – neither alternative entirely reliable for hearing group discussion in a larger space.  The Chair will investigate a microphone more suitable for the situation.

Old Business:  There were no items of old business discussed.

New Business:  

22-9.4A Planning Meeting was held prior to this regular membership meeting.  The Chair reported that

the Superintendent is excited about the coming year and has plans worked out for the year’s meetingsplans he will share in person.  With regard to clinics, Don Florwick suggested polling members on which subjects they are interested in learning about and which subjects they would be willing to present.

22-9-5Future Meetings:  September’s meeting hopefully will be the last remote meeting.  The schedule of hosts for face-to-face meetings is as follows (subject to confirmation):

October 2022 – Bob Johnson

November 2022 – Paul Mahoney

December 2022 – Jeff Grove

May 2023 – Rich Randall

Others who have indicated a willingness to host:  Andy Dodge and Pete & Jane Clarke.

22-9.6Wheel Report:  Editor Alex Polimeni reported his plans to publish the Fall 2022 issue soon and then to adjust the future publication schedule to better coordinate with future Mini-Cons.  It was noted that any increase in the number of issues will depend on additional submitted content.  A Modeler’s Corner with captioned photos was suggested.

22-9.7Mini-Cons (general):  The loss of audience for formal clinics after lunch was discussed and several suggestions were made: 1) extend time for the informal clinics into the afternoon, 2) run the activities through lunch time, especially if an on-site food option is available, 3) schedule a roundtable discussion for lunch to give informal clinicians a break, 4) finish the event about 2 p.m., and 5) schedule  a “heavy-weight” speaker to wrap-up things – suggestions;  Bob Geldmacher talking about scenery and someone speaking about decoder installation.

Publicity:  Don Florwick requested information more in advance of the event to account for magazine deadlines and to reach other NMRA Divisions (not possible in 2022 because of the late decision to hold the 2022 event).  He also repeated the need to reach a wider audience (parents with kids, for instance).

Food:  The 2022 vender had reasonable business.  Nearby Rouzerville has numerous options.

22-9.8An NMRA Alternative for Remote Meetings/Clinics:  As a way to save the SMD money, Harvey Heyser asked whether National has any plans.  Bob Morningstar will look into that.  Although hopefully this September meeting will be the last remote meeting, remote hobby hang-outs may happen.

22-9.9Bob Johnson’s Layout:  Harvey Heyser urged members to take a good look at Bob’s town of Diana, an excellent example of small layout design.

Adjournment:  The Superintendant accepted a motion to adjourn.  The next meeting on October 9, 2022 will be held at 2:00 p.m. at Bob Johnson’s home in Jefferson, MD.  It will be an in-person, face-to-face meeting.  Members will be reminded by e-mail.

Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser

There was no clinic scheduled following the September business meeting.  The following was shared:

Andy Dodge filled members in on his small switchback layout (unfortunately too heavy to bring to a Mini-Con) and his new Proto-48 Maine Central basement layout.
As part of a discussion of turnout electrical problems, Rich Randall revealed that he has made his switching branch (only) dead-rail with dedicated battery powered locomotives.
Jack Fritz shared his uncertainty about the future of his layout and requested member feedback.  Jack prefers model building to layout troubleshooting.

SMD Draft Meeting Minutes 15 May

Revised Draft Meeting MinutesMay 15, 2022revisions highlighted

There was no SMD business meeting in April because the Division hosted its annual Mini-Con.

Division members met face-to-face for the first time since March of 2020 at the Greencastle High Line Station.  After socializing, Superintendant Alex Polimeni called the business meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

22.51Paymaster’s Report:  Paymaster Ray Price reported the SMD bank balance was $3,600.31.  That balance reflects payment for the Mini-Con raffle prize gift certificate to Mainline Hobbies.  The balance does not reflect payment for the 2-year Zoom subscription, which Superintendent Polimeni has graciously contributed to the Division.

22.5-2Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes):  In Clerk Harvey Heyser’s absence, the Superintendent made the Clerk’s report as follows:  There were no draft minutes for the March meeting for several reasons.  The Clerk’s phone connection to Zoom failed for much of the meeting; therefore, he could not hear what was discussed.  Unfortunately, the recording was not saved – a fact not realized until right before this May meeting.  The Clerk will present what minutes he has for the March meeting, along with draft May minutes, before the September meeting for member review and acceptance.

Old Business:  

22-1.72022 Mini-Con The event was held on Saturday, April 23, 2022, and more than 90 attended (many first-timers).  Attendees tended to be experienced hobbyists, not parents and kids (though Brian Greenawalt reported that three kids under 18 took part in the wood kit make-and-take clinic).

The following wrap-up comments were made:

The event needs advertising from other sources than Mainline Hobbies’s mailing list to reach different audiences.
There is also a need for better communication between the Organizer(s) and clinicians.
Better food:  The Superintendent thinks there is an opportunity for the Division to make some money with a food concession.  This will take additional manpower and will involve some monetary risk.

Overall, the Mini-Con was a success!

New Business:  

22.5-3Officer Elections:  Superintendent Polimeni had declined to run for re-election.  Bob Johnson had agreed to stand for election as Superintendent.  Paymaster Price and Clerk Heyser had both agreed to stand for re-election.

Since the election for Superintendent was uncontested, Ron Polimeni made the following motion (seconded by John Madden):

Motion:  That Bob Johnson be elected Superintendent the candidates for Division elected office be elected by acclimation.  The motion passed unanimously.

All of the officer candidates were running unopposed.  

[?  Was there a motion to re-elect Ray Price as Paymaster and Harvey Heyser as Clerk?]

[At the September 2022 meeting, members present for the March 2022 recalled the following:  The motion made to elect by acclimation was for the entire slate of officer candidates (not only for Superintendent).  No one else was running.]

Superintendent-elect Johnson informed the meeting he will be out of town for the September meeting.  Someone will be appointed chair for that meeting, per the bylaws.

22.5-4Zoom Pro subscription:  The renewal is due in August (2022) for $150 per year.  There was discussion of whether the Division should renew:

Many in attendance agreed; other wanted to wait and see.

Renewal will allow for Zoom hobby hangouts.

The Division could hold hybrid meetings.

Zoom allows for recording and downloading the regular monthly face-to-face meetings.

It also can be used for leadership team meetings.  (Note, there will be a planning meeting this summer.)

There was discussion of live-streaming versus Zoom.

Andy Arnold made the following motion (second by Bob Morningstar):

Motion:  That the Zoom Pro be renewed for one (1) year.  The motion passed unanimously.

Don Florwick expressed the SMD’s appreciation of Superintendent Polimeni’s donation of the prior two year’s subscriptions to zoom.

22.5-5Wheel Report Editor:  Alex Polimeni will take over editing responsibilities.

22.5-6Meeting Site Donation:  Bob Morningstar suggested a donation to the Greencastle High Line Station Fund.

Steve King made the following motion (second by Tom Fedor):

Motion: That the SMD make a donation of $50 to the Greencastle High Line Station Fund.  The motion passed unanimously.

22.5-7East Broad Top Season Schedule:  The Railroad will operate (3) trains per day Wednesday through Sunday.  Tickets will cost $20 each.  (The season had already started at the time of the SMD meeting.)

Adjournment:  The Superintendant accepted a motion to adjourn.  The next meeting will be held remotely by zoom on Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.  Members will be reminded by e-mail.

Notes for these Minutes were taken and transcribed by Jane Clarke; formatting by Clerk Harvey Heyser

There was no clinic following the May business meeting.

SMD Draft Meeting Minutes 13 March

Revised Draft Meeting MinutesMarch 13, 2022revisions highlighted

Division members met remotely on the internet using the Zoom platform.  18 or so were present. Superintendent Alex Polimeni opened the zoom session prior to the published start time for logging in and sharing.  

During the lead-up to the meeting, the following was shared:

Because it was snowing, several members joked about finally having an excuse for missing ameeting.  Frank Benenati quipped that he took a nap and awakened to find his driveway shoveled.
Bob Morningstar asked that anyone trying to reach him use his Proton e-mail account.
A variety of interesting (screen) backgrounds were observed behind those attending includingJay Beckham’s CTC panel and two photos of the EBT.
There was discussion of tourist railroads in WV including Cass (possible overnights at Cass or Snowshoe) and the Durbin Rocket out of Elkins.  Members recalled the Division visiting Cass 15 or so years ago.

The Superintendent called the business meeting to order at about 2:30 pm.  

22.31Paymaster’s Report:  Paymaster Ray Price reported the SMD bank balance was $3,468.81.  The Paymaster has not yet received invoices for the zoom renewal ($157.40).   The Superintendent will re-forward them.

22.3-2Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes):  

As discussion of the Clerk’s Report commenced, the Clerk’s phone connection to Zoom failed and could not be re-established for a significant portion of the rest of the meeting.  Therefore, he could not hear what was discussed nor record any motions made/accepted.

[At the September 2022 meeting, members present for the March 2022 recalled the following:  During the Clerk’s Zoom disconnection, members approved the February 2022 draft minutes as submitted and focused on the Mini-Con during the following discussion.]

The following are minutes from the remainder of the meeting after the Clerk finally rejoined Zoom.

Old Business:  

22-1.72022 Mini-Con Saturday, April 23, 2022 (confirmed):  The Mini-Con is open to the public not just NMRA members.  Mini-Con Chair Grant Berry was not present to make a report.  Members in attendance suggested a brief written report be shared electronically.

j. Publicity:  Don Florwick has notified other Divisions, the Region, National, and RMC.  He also has a flyer if anyone can hand it out.  Mainline has mailed postcards to their mailing list.
k. Insurance:  The SMD has not taken out insurance for previous Mini-Cons.

New Business:  

22.33Meeting Reminders:  Don Florwick has accepted the responsibility to send these in the future.

22.3-4Request for Assistance:  Frank Benenati requested help with a display case he is building

Adjournment:  The Superintendant accepted a motion to adjourn.  There will be no regular meeting in April because of the Mini-Con scheduled for Saturday, April 23, 2022.  The next regular meeting will be held remotely by Zoom on Sunday, May 15, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.  Members will be reminded by e-mail.

Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser

Following the meeting, Matt Thompson MMR attempted to give his clinic on the achievement certificate requirements for cars and structures.  Unfortunately he could not enable the screen share function on his computer. He then offered to give the clinic at a later date inperson if possible (at the May meeting perhaps).

Pete and Jane Clarke stepped in to give an extensive up-date on all the things happening with the East Broad Top RR Foundation and with the Friends of the EBT.  Quite a few changes are happeningin Orbisonia and at the FEBT museum in Robertsdale.  A visit to see what is going on was strongly recommended.

After the up-date, there was more sharing:

Members with operating layouts discussed the challenges involved in getting their layouts back in operating shape after the pandemic shutdown especially cleaning track (no abrasives), finding dead rail sections, and fixing loose points.
Jay Beckham reported troubles with old 2-rail Atlas O gauge switches from the nickel plating wearing off.

The SMD welcomed Martin Breckbeil of the Potomac Division to the meeting.

From the Desk of the Superintendent

In keeping with the way our world has been for the past couple of years, the 2022-2023 SMD meeting year is getting off to a bad start but hopefully that will change going forward.

First I want to thank Alex for his work as Superintendent over the past several years, including a no notice return to the position last year.

My hope was to have all of the initial planning for the year completed and a Wheel Report out to you by the 22nd of August. Considering today’s date that obviously is not going to happen so interim arrangements are being made. The delay is totally my fault and unfortunately was driven by a medical issue on my part. Hopefully that is resolved and the current goal is to have a Wheel Report out to you sometime in late September. Remember, our new Wheel Report editor (Alex Polimeni) is always interested in any content you can provide.

2022-2023 Plans

The September meeting will be conducted via ZOOM on September 11th and will be hosted by Alex (I will be in Arizona at that time). Details and log-on information will be provided at a later date.

Starting with the October meeting I want to return to face to face meetings held at member’s homes and / or other appropriate venues.  The October meeting will be held at my house (October 9th) where you will have to opportunity to see the West Virginia Midland Railroad.  Not much has been accomplished on the railroad over the past several years but the entire basement has been re-modeled (around the layout).  

I would also like to see more live clinics given by members and / or guests at the meetings.  At this time I am asking for volunteers to host meetings in November through March and in May.  Though not confirmed at this point, we hope to be producing the Mini-Con in April of 2023 at Blue Ridge Summit.  In addition I am looking for volunteers to give the clinics at both the meetings and the Mini-Con.  If you want to host and do a clinic at the same time go for it!!

If you would like to host a meeting or present a clinic please let me know as soon as possible <>. FYI – we could use a clinic in October. Also, if you know any people who are railroad enthusiasts, but not members of the SMD, feel free to invite them to a meeting.

Bob Johnson, SMD Superintendent

PS: Don’t forget that Main Line Hobby Supply will be holding their annual open house on September 17th and 18th. Stop by, drop a few dollars, and pick up the guide book for the annual layout open house tour. Brian and Bonnie have promised a banner year for the tours in term of the number of layouts open including some that have never been on the tour before.

SMD Business Meeting – Sunday, 15 May, 1-5 PM, Greencastle, PA

Alex Polimeni, superintendent

Hey, folks!

I’m writing to invite you all to our May business meeting tomorrow, May 15th, at the historic High Line Train Station depot in Greencastle, PA. You read that right: for the first time since March 2020, we’re back in person! The address is

1-75 S Jefferson St, Greencastle, PA 17225

Literal, physical, actual doors open at 2pm, with the business meeting to follow by 2:30pm. Refreshments will be provided and, in lieu of a clinic, in-person socializing at the station is welcome until 5pm. I want to take a moment to give a big shout-out to Bob Morningstar for securing this opportunity for us!
In other news, big changes are coming to the South Mountain Division in the ’22-’23 season. Taking things from the top…
… I am stepping down from the Superintendent’s desk once more. I never intended to return to it this quickly, and it’s simply not a good fit for me right now. Fortunately, Bob Johnson has accepted a membership nomination to become our next Superintendent; please join me (hopefully, literally!) in giving Bob a big hand as he takes the Super’s chair.
Harvey Heyser and Ray Price have both graciously agreed to serve another year as our Clerk and Paymaster, respectively. With assistant Super Mike Shockey acting as our Nomination Chair and only one candidate per position, I expect to elect the current slate by a motion of acclamation in lieu of a voting election.
Furthermore, with Wheel Report editor Tom Fedor retiring from more than half a decade with the Division, I’ve volunteered to fill his shoes through our ’22-’23 issues and- as you likely already know- Grant Berry has replaced Pete Clarke as our MinI-Con Coordinator, with one successful Mini already under his belt.
Looking down the line, I’m excited to see a post-pandemic SMD begin to get under steam. Judging by conversations I’ve had with folks over the last 6-12 months, I believe there’s a real appetite for what our Division can bring to the table!
If you have any questions/concerns re: the meeting, email me at
See you all soon,
Alex Polimeni
*SMD has the station from 1-5, so I plan to arrive early with bottled water, soda, coffee, donuts, snacks, etc. as our “host” for concession boxcar purposes.
** Due to technical problems, the draft March meeting minutes will not be prepared for approval until our September meeting.