The fall newsletter is now available. Click over to our NEWSLETTERS page to view or download this current publication and past editions in PDF format.
Vote now: MER-NMRA – 2021 MER Director Election

The MER is holding the MER-NMRA 2021 MER Election of Directors.
The voting deadline is Aug 31 2021 11:30 pm Eastern Time (US & Canada).
The Region is using an online election system to tabulate votes. SMD members should have been emailed and assigned a unique access key that can only be used to vote once, keeping voting choices anonymous. Do not forward the email. Do not reply to the email to vote, as votes will not be registered.
If you have election questions, feedback, or if you are unable to make the electronic Ballot work, please contact Howard Oakes ( and he will send you a paper Ballot.
Cumberland Valley Yard Sale
The Cumberland Valley Model Railroad Club will be holding a model train yard sale on Saturday, 19 June, in the parking lot of the clubhouse at 440 Nelson St, Chambersburg, PA.
They have items in all scales [engines, rolling stock, structures, scenery materials, tinplate].
Hours are 8:00 AM until roughly 1:00 PM, WEATHER PERMITTING If it rains, we don’t sell trains!
Additionally, if any SMD member has some of their own things to sell, they are welcome to set up a table. The club will have plenty of room. You must provide your own table and cashbox.
SMD members should contact the club at (717) 263-6447 and ask for SMD member John Pursell. [contact SMD at and we will help you get in touch with John. -ed.]
News from National
National Election Results
From John Stevens, 2021 Election Administrator
President Gordy Robinson
Vice President Rick Coble
At-Large North American Director Chris Palermo
Eastern District Director John Doehring
Pacific District Director Rob Peterson
By-Laws Amendment Passed.
All Officers-Elect will assume their duties on Friday July 2, 2021 for a three year term.
I would like to thank all the members who make our elections possible. We have Nominating Committees and Ballot Committees in the European Region, the British Region, the Pacific District, NMRA Canada, and a National Committee in the United States. Together, all of those committees were able to assemble a great slate of candidates.
I would also like to thank all the candidates who volunteered to step forward and run for a National Office. The nine candidates were willing to give up many hours to serve the members of the NMRA. It is easy to sit around and complain about how things are being run, but it takes a special level of commitment to be a candidate for one of these positions. I wish them the best of luck in their new positions.
Lastly, I would like to thank those who voted, and took the opportunity to determine who will be responsible for setting our national policies and leading this organization into the future.
From Christopher J. Palermo, Publicist – 2021 convention
NMRA 2021 Rails By The Bay, NMRA’s 2021 national online virtual convention on July 6-10, 2021, has several exciting announcements.
Click HERE for the latest.
Chris reports the following developments in planning this convention.
Jack Burgess MMR will present a clinic titled Photoshop Elements as a Modeling Tool. Join Jack for a detailed review of the Photoshop Elements software and learn insider tips about how to use it to plan and build models.
Clinic schedule updated. Clinics and layout videos will be offered daily, July 6-10, at 9:00am, 10:00, and 11:00. A break will be observed from 12 noon to 2:00pm, but layout tours will be available to view on your own. Afternoon clinics will be offered at 2:00pm, 3:00, and 4:00, followed by a dinner break at 5:00. Evening clinics will be at 7:00 and 8:00, and breakout rooms will remain open at 9:00 for socialization. Clinics nominally run 35-45 minutes.
Call for volunteers. The convention continues to need more volunteers to serve as: Clinic Track Moderators, Clinic Goes On Moderators, Information Desk Operators, Information Desk Operator Assistants and Breakout Room Moderators, as described below. These are low-tech positions and will include training so that you have the information you need.
Clinic Track Moderators – moderate the chat window (keep the chat on topic, promote discussion on the topic, encourage questions for clinician), share needed links with attendees, and encourage attendees to visit the breakout rooms. Sign up HERE.
Clinic Goes On Moderator – moderate the meeting (keep the chat on topic, promote discussion on the topic, encourage questions for clinician, ensure all attendees get to ask questions), share needed links with attendees, notify attendees when next clinics are starting and encourage attendees to visit the breakout rooms. Sign up HERE.
Information Desk Operator – Share important information on screen, help direct attendees to breakout rooms and answer questions as attendees enter the Great Hall. Sign up HERE.
Information Desk Operator Assistant – assist the Information Desk Operator. Sign up HERE.
Breakout Room Moderator – Circulate among the breakout rooms assisting attendees. Promote discussion among attendees, introduce people in breakout rooms, be welcoming, helpful and promote social interaction among attendees. Sign up HERE.
Notice of Annual Meeting
From Rick Coble, NMRA Secretary
The National Model Railroad Association, Inc. will hold its 2021 Annual General Meeting Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 3 PM EDT.
Due to the cancellation of the 2021 National Convention, the meeting will be held virtually through the video conferencing platform GoToMeeting. Registration is required to use GoToMeeting. Registration opens July 8, 2021 and closes August 1, 2021.To register, contact the Vice President Administration at
You may send questions to the President prior to the meeting. Questions may be on any aspect of the NMRA. Questions sent prior to the 2020 meeting touched on many topics, including standards, the Achievement Program, and conventions. Questions and answers to your questions will be posted on the NMRA website no later than August 13, 2021. Meeting minutes will be posted no later than Sunday, August 22, 2021.
Questions to the President should be submitted in advance to the Secretary, beginning July 8, 2021 and no later than August 1, 2021 at .
Partnership Program
The companies listed below give discounts to NMRA members when orders are placed using a special discount code. You can find descriptions of these companies and their products, links to their websites, and the discount codes on our Partnership Page at . Remember you need to be logged into our site as a member to see the codes! Go to to register your name on the website.
Our newest partners are listed in RED.
Bear Creek Model Railroad
CatzPaw Innovations
Clever Models LLC
CMR Products
Daylight Sales
Deepwoods Software
Deluxe Materials
East Coast Circuits
Great Decals
Green Frog Productions
HobbyWorx Tools and Supplies
Hot Wire Foam Factory
K.I.S.S. Method
LaBelle Woodworking
LARC Products
Logic Rail Technologies
MAC Rail
Mine Mount Models
MinuteMan Scale Models
Model Railroad Benchwork
Model Train Catalogue
Modelers Decals and Paint
Motrak Models
MRC (Model Rectifier Corp)
Nick and Nora Designs
Old West Scenery
Ram Track
Rusty Stumps
Scale Model Plans
Scalecoat Paint
Scenery Solutions
Showcase Miniatures
Team Track Models
The N Scale Architect
The Old Depot Gallery
Tichy Train Group
Touch of the Brush
Train Installations
Train Show, Inc.
Trainmasters TV/MRH Store
TSG Multimedia
Unreal Details (Magic Water)
USA Airbrush Supply
WiFi Model Railroad
2021/22 SMD Officers Elected