Another summer is coming to a close, and you know what that means: the South Mountain Division year is just beginning! Although it was my hope to be welcoming you back with a long-awaited and much-anticipated in-person meeting, I’m afraid that won’t be happening, at least not until 2022.
With the Delta variant of COVID-19 spreading in the United States and things set to get worse once more as the weather changes, everyone must decide for themselves what level of risk they’re comfortable with. Speaking as your Superintendent, I cannot, in good conscience, ask our membership to gather in the close quarters our hobby takes place in.
That said, I believe there’s still plenty for SMD to do while this terrible pandemic runs its course. To this end, you’re all invited to our September membership meeting via Zoom next Sunday, September 12th. “Doors” open at 2 PM, with the business meeting to commence by 2:30 PM.
I’m still looking for presenters to give clinics after the September, October, and November meetings via Zoom, so if you have something you’d like to share (especially if it works well as a video or slideshow!) do let me know. If we don’t have a clinic, I’m looking to turn the after-business time over to a round table discussion about a particular theme.
I believe SMD and the NMRA has a great deal to offer our membership even in a post-pandemic world, and I’m excited to talk with you about the possibilities these next few months. So, if you have the time, please stop by the Zoom meeting or, otherwise, drop us an email directly! Harvey, Ray, and I are eager to get the Division back on the rails.
See you all soon,
Alex Polimeni, Superintendent
Zoom meeting instructions were included on page two of the SMD members’ only version of the Wheel Report link that was sent to all on 1 September. If the connection details are needed, contact the Division leadership at southmountaindiv@gmail.com.
A copy of the minutes from the last membership can be found at this previous SMD blog post: