And we’re back!
I hope everyone’s had a terrific summer, and I’d like to invite you all to join the South Mountain Division at Jeff Grove’s home outside of Hagerstown, MD this coming Sunday, September 15. Doors open 2PM for a layout tour, with the business meeting and a clinic to follow. Please email southmountaindiv@gmail.com if you need Jeff’s street address.
Jeff says you’re free to enter the basement through the side door, and asks only that folks be considerate and don’t block his neighbor’s driveways. As always, you can catch up on last May’s meeting courtesy of our Clerk’s impeccably edited minutes, in this previous post http://smdnmra.org/blog/2019/09/14/draft-meeting-minutes-may-19-2019/.
In other news, now is the perfect time to get family and friends involved in the hobby with an NMRA Railpass! This discounted trial membership runs for 9 months- or, exactly the duration of the SMD season. Short of that, don’t hesitate to simply bring along a guest who might be interested in what we’re all about, either.
On that note, I’d invite everyone to check out AP Chair Jane Clarke’s article in the fall Wheel Report and on the SMD Blog regarding improving your modeling with the Achievement Program- something I’m hoping to get in on myself this winter.
Hope to see you all soon,
Alex Polimeni, Superintendent, Div 10