Draft Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2019

South Mountain Division

Mid-East Region – National Model Railroad Association

Draft Meeting Minutes – January 13, 2019

Division members met at Pete and Jane Clarke’s home.  10 or so were present because of impending weather.  After viewing the layout and socializing, Superintendent Alex Polimeni called the business meeting to order.

19.1-1 Paymaster’s Report:  As the Paymaster was not present (because of weather), the Superintendent presented the report (received by e-mail) with a balance of $4032.75.

19.1-2 Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes):  As the Clerk was not present (because of weather), the Superintendent read the draft December minutes, which had been distributed by e-mail to the members.  Pete Clarke made the following motion (seconded by ?):

Motion:  That the draft minutes not be read at future meetings if they have been distributed by e-mail.  The motion passed unanimously.

Tom Fedor made the following motion (seconded by Pete Clarke):

Motion:  That the draft Minutes for the December 2018 meeting be approved as submitted.  The motion passed unanimously.

Former Clerk David Sweeney volunteered to take minutes in the present Clerk’s absence.

Old Business:

18.10-4 2019 Mini-Con:  Date:  Saturday, April 13, 2019.  Location: Blue Ridge Fire Company, Blue Ridge, PA.  Chair Pete Clarke (ebtmx5@aol.com) summarized arrangements to date:

b. Informal clinics:  Approximately nine spaces are still available.  (One suggestion:  working on a model has gotten very positive response in the past.)

k. Publicity:  Use of e-mail addresses received at past Mini-Cons for publicizing the up-coming Mini-Con was discussed.  The proposed use of the list is for a short (3 sentence) notice of the upcoming Mini-Con and for a late summer notice of up-coming SMD activities to promote interest in NMRA (and SMD) membership.  The Superintendent has not yet assembled the list.

18.10-5 Web Site:  Tom Fedor reported he is not able to modify the current web site and, consequently, has been tasked with developing a new web site.  He requested direction for what the SMD wanted the new site to be.  What should be kept and what discarded?

He advocated for choosing the Word Press Blog, which is easy for him to edit and up-date.  It will keep the site more active.  He suggested keeping the old web site as an archive/link to the new site for old Wheel Reports, by-laws, and achievement program information.  The Superintendent concurred.

Consensus:  Tom Fedor should proceed with revising the web site on his own and should keep the Superintendent informed.  The membership does not need to be directly involved.

18.12-4 MER Convention Registrar:  A volunteer is still needed immediately.  Other MER volunteer positions are also open (per Bob Charles, Susquehanna Division Superintendent).

18.12-6 Contacting Mini-Con attendees:  See discussion in 18.10-4-k above.

New Business:

19.1-3 Hosts Pete and Jane Clarke welcomed everyone to their HOn3 East Broad Top Railroad.

19.1-4 Jack Fritz reported that the widow of the proprietor of Grand Dad’s Hobbies has old magazines, kits, and other model railroading materials she wishes to dispose of.  The members suggested forwarding information about auctioneers, including the one Andy Arnold has had good experiences with.

19.1-5 Meeting hosts:  The superintendent reported difficulty getting commitments to host future meetings.  He has been trying to arrange meetings at layouts the SMD has not been to recently (the last year or two).  He asked for ideas and suggestions, especially for the March and May meetings.  Members present encouraged Jack Fritz (also present) to volunteer.

19.1-6 Future Meeting agendas:  To make meetings more interesting, Andy Dodge has suggested the following to Jane Clarke:

– Show and tell sessions for both models and techniques,

– Themed meetings (for instance, everybody bring a caboose), and

– Discussion of the Achievement Program.

Adjournment:  The Chair accepted a motion to adjourn.  Notice of the next SMD meeting will be communicated to the members.

Minutes taken by Former Clerk David Sweeney and compiled by Clerk Harvey Heyser

March SMD Meeting

Alex Polimeni, superintendent (2017-2019), NMRA South Mountain Division. (Tom Fedor)

Hey there,

I’m writing to invite you all to our March meeting at Hobbytown USA in Frederick, MD next Sunday, March 10th. You’re welcome to arrive before 2PM, with the business meeting to begin no later than 2:30pm. The address is…

454 Prospect Blvd, Frederick, MD 21701

The store has an example layout featuring N, HO, and O-scales. Furthermore, Richard Benjamin has also advised that the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway Historical Society’s artifacts are on display at the Frederick library, which is open from 1-5. For more information, you can visit the library’s website here.

After the meeting adjourns, we’ll be joined by special guest speaker Michael Groves of Dwarvin Enterprise, who will be giving a presentation on “Lighting without Wiring.” You can find out more about it on his website, dwarvin.com.

In other news, if you haven’t already seen it, the Spring issue of the Wheel Report is available now! I’d like to give a shout out to our editor Tom Fedor and all the contributors that have made this winter’s Wheel Reports possible. Check it out here.

It’s the time of year for officer elections, and Scott Schill has generously volunteered to be Nominations Chair once again. If you would like to put yours or another Division members’ name in the hat for the positions of Superintendent, Clerk or Paymaster, please reach out to Scott at scottschill@comcast.net . The election itself will take place during our May meeting, and I’ve attached the relevant bylaws Article for ease of reference, as well.

Article XIII  Terms of Office, Nominations, and Elections

1. The Superintendent and Clerk-Paymaster will serve one-year terms.

2. No one may fill more than one elected position simultaneously except for brief transition periods.

3. In preparation for each year’s annual meeting and election, the Nominating Committee will solicit candidates, explaining the requirements of the position. In addition, any three members may nominate someone via a written notice to the Nominating Committee, with the permission of the nominee. Such nominations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee at least thirty days ahead of the election.

4. The names of the candidates for office will be communicated to the membership at least fifteen days before the election.

5. If contested, the election will be conducted by the Nominating Committee Chair at the annual meeting via secret ballot. Ballots will be counted and results announced before the close of the meeting. Positions will be filled by a simple plurality of votes.

6. Members elected will take office on July 1.

7. In case of a vacancy in an elected position (article VIII), a special election can be held at any Division meeting. Special elections must be held in accordance with the rules defined above.

Stay safe, stay warm, and I hope to see you all there!

Alex Polimeni, Superintendent

February SMD meeting canceled

Alex Polimeni, superintendent, NMRA South Mountain Division. (Tom Fedor)

Hello everyone,

I am sorry to inform you all that there will be no Division meeting for the month of February. I did not send an earlier notification as I was hoping to work something out, but c’est la vie! I’d like to thank those who have offered to open their homes to SMD but were not able to this month, and to repeat the offer that, if you’re interested but on the fence about hosting a meeting, let me know and we’ll do everything we can to help you get ready.

In other news, I want to give a shout out to Pete & Jane Clarke for their tireless efforts in organizing the SMD’s ever-popular Mini-Con in Blue Ridge Summit once again. If there’s anyone you’d like to see get into the hobby- friends, relatives, there’s always somebody!- now’s the time to nudge them to put April 13th on the calendar. Furthermore, the last edition of the Wheel Report is coming up fast, and Tom Fedor can always use quality content! Snap some picture with your phone and show us what you’ve been working on this winter.

Looking ahead, there are exciting developments in the works for South Mountain in the near future, so be sure to watch this space. In the meanwhile, take care out there, and I hope yo see you all next month!

Alex Polimeni


December Business Meeting

Alex Polimeni, superintendent NMRA South Mountain Division. (Tom Fedor)

I would like to invite everyone to our December meeting at Frank Benenati’s home this coming Sunday, December 9th. Doors open at 2PM for a tour of the layout, with the meeting to follow. If you missed our last meeting, you’ll find our clerk’s impeccably edited minutes attached below.

Afterward, Frank will be demonstrating how to use a Decoder-Pro and a Sprogg to re-program DCC engines and adjust sound levels and other CVs. Frank says, “I’ve had good results with the exception of first generation WOW sound steam.  If anyone wants to bring an HO engine they want to “reprogrammed” we will use it as a demonstrator.  If you have the manufacturer’s decoder information bring it along as that will be of assistance.” Folks are more than welcome to stay and socialize, as well.

Frank models a Western Maryland themed railroad, which he started while living in Germany and is modular in design. His layout uses Digitrax DCC and features Campbell, Bar Mill, Foss and more in addition to scratch built structures. A Timetable, fast clock, and waybill routing to simulate operations, with first generation diesels providing motive power.

Frank’s home is the last house on the left at the end of his street.

Please email southmountaindiv@gmail.com if you need Frank’s street address.

The railroad is in the basement, so if any members would prefer to avoid the indoor flight of stairs, you may walk around the side of the carport, continue around the back of the house, and down the gentle slope to the basement door. There will be a couple of steps inside the door, however. All others are encouraged to use the basement stairs adjacent to the kitchen/carport door.

Furthermore, Frank cautions, “Just about every road into and out of Damascus has a speed camera cleverly located to generate revenue for Montgomery County.  Remember to keep an eye out for “safety corridor” and other warning signs.  Occasionally there are “doubles” placed to catch those who speed up after passing the first camera.”

In other news, I’d like to apologize for not getting this out sooner! I’ve been trying to send only two emails a month- an update and a reminder- a couple of weeks apart, but as it stands, please expect another reminder email this Saturday. This is also the first email from the Division’s new address, so I’m hoping this won’t get “lost in the mail”, so to speak.

I hope to see you all soon,

Alex Polimeni
