2022 MER Convention

From  Bob Halsey

  The next (and best) MER convention will be the Carolina Special Look South 2022 http://www.carolinasouthern.org/MER2022.html on October 20-23 next year – put those dates in your calendar!  Although the last two MER conventions (both in Maryland) were definitely top-quality events, the Carolina Southern Division is well into planning for 2022, and is ensuring that your trip to Charlotte, North Carolina, will be way more than worthwhile!  It will be downright memorable!

   We have already planned several tours, first:  on Oct. 20 to the North Carolina Transportation Museum (NCTM) in Spencer (the former main maintenance facility of the Southern Railway, including the huge backshop, large roundhouse and turntable, many historic locomotives, railcars, automobiles, firetrucks, and airplanes.  You can get a ride on one of NCTM’s own passenger trains (pulled by one of their ex-Southern diesels), and if we are lucky we may get to see an impressive visitor – the N&W 611 large 4-8-4 steam locomotive, which comes to Spencer from Roanoke for regular maintenance.  We will also offer a tour of the National Narrow Gauge Museum and Restoration Facility in Newton, where they have several old and not-so-old railcars and locomotives (steam and diesel).  The museum not only has the original fully-restored passenger/freight station, but a separate building with several large O, HO, and N gauge layouts.  We are also arranging a tour of the Lionel Corporation’s development center in Concord to see their latest projects (O and HO).

   Of course, we are going to have the usual elements for a successful convention: many clinics (including some you have not seen before!), a company store (formerly “white elephant” room), and the contest room.  As a judge (“evaluator”) at the last two conventions, I can say that many of the dioramas and rolling stock were not just super-detailed, they were true works of art!

   And we will have many layout tours available to visit (too many to list here) including Jack Parker’s Piedmont & Western (HO mountain railroad) and Seth Gartner’s NYC Piney Fork Branch (with its large detailed steel mill).  Both of these were subjects of 2018 cover articles in Model Railroader magazine.  Also Ed Smith’s Erie Railroad (with its amazing 10-arch viaduct bridge), Neal Anderson’s basement-filling KKL Railroad, and a number of excellent N gauge layouts.

   This spectacular convention will be held at the University Hilton in north Charlotte (just off I-485), with a reduced room rate for convention attendees.  Although we are not ready to accept registrations (will be soon), our website www.carolinasouthern.org will contain convention details. We have a very interesting Saturday evening banquet speaker lined up – again, more details soon!

    For non-modeler attendees (spouses and future adults) there are a number of local attractions:  the Mint Art Museum, US National Whitewater Center (whitewater rafting, zip lines, hiking trails), Discovery Place Museum, Duke Energy Explorium, Charlotte Aviation Museum (at the airport), Billy Graham Library and Museum (very interesting!), Charlotte Motor Speedway (you can get really fast rides in NASCAR race cars driven by professional drivers), Concord Mills Mall (it’s a big one), and evening dinner cruises on Lake Norman, plus many good restaurants in the area.  I have done all of these things!   

SMD Draft Meeting Minutes 13 February

Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser

Draft Meeting Minutes – February 13, 2022

Division members met remotely on the internet using the Zoom platform.  16 or so were present.  Superintendent Alex Polimeni opened the zoom session prior to the published start time for logging in and sharing.  

During the lead-up to the meeting, the following was shared:

  • Mini-Con Chair Grant Berry requested that his e-mail address be shared with the membership.
  • Those attending welcomed the multiple “Harveys” present and commented that at least one of them had long ears and was assumed to be elegantly attired.  But no one could be sure, since he was not visible.
  • Bill Wilson described some electronic timers he and John Madden have been experimenting with.
  • There was a question of the by-law quorum requirements.

The Superintendent called the business meeting to order at about 2:30 pm.  

22.2-1 Paymaster’s Report:  Paymaster Ray Price reported the SMD bank balance was $3,508.43 (the same as last month).   The Superintendent will re-forward the receipts for zoom renewal ($157.40), which the Paymaster has not received.  The renewal will last until the summer of this year (2022) at which time the elected officers and Advisory Committee can consider further renewal.  

22.2-2 Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes):  The attendees dispensed with the reading/summary of the minutes (previously distributed by e-mail).  Ron Polimeni made the following motion (second by Tom Fedor):

Motion:  That the draft Minutes for the January 2022 meeting be approved as submittedThe motion passed unanimously.

Old Business:  

22-1.3 Nominations Chair:  A volunteer for this position is still needed.

22-1.4 Newsletter & Editor:  A replacement editor is needed.  The deadline for Tom Fedor’s last issue is next week.

22-1.7 2022 Mini-Con – Saturday, April 23, 2022 (confirmed):  The Mini-Con is open to the public, not just NMRA members.  

  1. Masks:  Being considered, although the Fire Department does not have any requirements.
  2. Distancing and Table Spacing:  Chair Berry has sketched out a preliminary table layout and has reviewed it with Brian Wolfe.  See item “A”  below for more about tables.
  3. Number of Attendees:  Attendance is likely to be self-limiting, but a 50% attrition can be expected.
  4. Food and Refreshments:  Although the SMD has decided to avoid providing food because of difficulties with past vendors, Chair Berry advised considering on-site food and refreshments in light of the pandemic and of the desire to keep attendees at the Mini-Con for afternoon sessions.  Even though we cannot be confident in the number of expected attendees, those present decided to investigate the food truck suggested by Brian Greenawalt.
  5. Clinics:

A. Informal Clinics:  Chair Berry has been contacting past informal clinicians.  So far, he has 19 to 20 tentatively lined up.  He reminded everyone that NMRA membership is not required for participation as a clinician.  With 20 tables available, 10 alternating clinics can go on during each of the 2-time slots and still allow clinicians to leave their work set-up at their table.   It was pointed out that in the past, there often was not enough room for all who wanted to listen to a particular presentation.  (Hopefully, more table spacing will alleviate that problem.)  Chair Berry will check with clinicians about their electric power requirements.

B. The make-and-take clinics: Brian Greenawalt has obtained laser cut kits from Carolina Craftsmen Kits (Jeff Grove). And it was suggested asking Brian to request DPM kits.  Additional assistance will be required; 1 leader is not enough to field all questions.  As in the past, preference for participation will be given to younger modelers.

C. Formal Clinics:  Chair Berry listed the following possibilities:

      • Pete Clarke – EBT
      • Alex Polimeni – Game design as it applies to model railroad operations – Alex expressed his willingness to defer to another clinician.
      • Bob Geldmacher – topic TBD
      • Fiber optics supplier – fiber optic lighting
      • John Pursell – the miser’s guide to model railroading
      • TCS – decoder installation

The expected number of audience members for the formal clinics has been relatively low in the past. The Division’s projector has not been found, but Bob Johnson has one he can loan.  We have the screen.

6. Set-Up: 7 a.m.:  Some who have set up in the past will not be available this year.  Grant Berry and Don Florwick will need assistance.  Alex Polimeni volunteered to help.

7. Publicity:  Don Florwick will notify other Divisions, the Region, and National.  Deadlines for the magazine have probably been missed.  He will also contact local clubs.  Tom Fedor will publish information in the Wheel Report and on the SMD website.

8. Raffle:  Bob Johnson made the following motion (second by Steve Green):

Motion: The Mini-Con include a raffle for a $150 gift card to Mainline HobbiesThe motion passed unanimously.

Ray Price will review past procedures and coordinate the raffle.

9. Insurance:  Since the Mini-Con is an SMD event, Chair Berry was directed to consult Pete Clarke and Bob Charles about obtaining NMRA insurance.

New Business:  There were no items of new business discussed.

Adjournment:  The superintendent accepted a motion to adjourn.  The next meeting will be held remotely by zoom on Sunday, March 13, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.  Members will be reminded by e-mail.

Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser

There was no clinic scheduled following the February business meeting.


Mount Clare Junction Update


The first monthly Mount Clare Junction newsletter has been released. Visit mtclarejct.com for more details and to sign up for future announcements.

The Mount Clare Junction team is interested in hearing from you. Click here to send us a message and let us know what you want to see and learn during the event.

Stay safe. Wear a mask. Socially distance.

Together we can be together in 2021.

[Post adapted from the MtClareJct.com newsletter. -ed]

CANCELED – MER “Look South in 2020” Convention

Mid-Eastern Region

By Kurt Thompson, MMR

President, Mid-Eastern Region

There’s no way to sugarcoat the truth. Due to the continuing issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, I have decided, with the consent of the Board of Directors and in concert with the Carolina Southern Division Local Convention Committee (LCC) to postpone the convention. Yes, I used the word “postpone.”
After consultation with the Carolina Southern and James River Divisions, the respective LCCs have agreed for James River to relinquish the 2022 convention and the Carolina Southern team will push back their convention until 2022.
It’s with a heavy heart that this decision was made. With our membership falling mostly in the age range above 60 years of age, a significant number of us would be ill-served by having a convention. Also at this time, there is no assurance that the North Carolina Governor will have removed the various pandemic associated directives on social distancing and sheltering at home.
Now for the “positive spin”: for the 2021 Convention in Hunt Valley, MD. I hope that you each will work on one or two models to place in the model contest or in the Model Showcase for the Mt. Clare Junction Convention. As I mentioned in my email to the Region a couple of weeks ago, the stay at home order allows us to spend some dedicated time on our hobby.
As for myself, I’m working on my layout so that it will be operational for the convention, actually sooner. The structures may be mainly mock ups but the switching can still be done.
Chins up, folks. We’ll get through this and have some fun with our hobby while we do.


Next NMRA-X: Saturday, May 30th

Don’t forget to catch the next addition of NMRA-X this Saturday, May 30th for 12 hours of live content! Below is the schedule in EDT. Please adjust the times according to your own time zone.

Tune in to either the NMRA Facebook page or the NMRA Facebook group to view the convention. Please note that you DO NOT need a Facebook account in order to view the event! Simply click on the below link to the Facebook page and you’re all set! While you cannot comment, you can still watch and learn. (Ignore all prompts to create an account or sign in.)

Schedule: https://www.facebook.com/events/654740391925573/?active_tab=discussion

Page: https://www.facebook.com/NMRA.org/

Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nmragroup/

If you missed out on any of our previous events, all of the videos are saved on the NMRA YouTube channel: 


Saturday’s presentations will also be available on our YouTube channel during the week following the event.

Keep an eye out for information on the next conventions, scheduled for June 13th and 27th.

Christina Zambri, NMRA Marketing Consultant