Upcoming Meeting Date: 14 February 2021
The next SMD meeting will take place on Sunday, 14 Feb. 2021 via ZOOM. Log on time opens at 1:30 with the business meeting scheduled to start at 2 PM. ZOOM logon information for the February meeting is the same as last month’s information.
If any member has any concerns that they feel need to be addressed to the membership, or discussion topics that they feel should be included in the February meeting agenda, please forward them to me through our Gmail address – southmoutaindiv@gmail.com – as early as possible before the upcoming meeting. You will also find an impeccably prepared copy of our January meeting minutes here: https://portal.smdnmra.org/2021/01/31/smd-draft-minutes-10-jan-2021/.
In other news:
The results from our membership survey asked what day of the week and time of the day you would like to hold an additional virtual meeting over “zoom” to “Get-Together” and just chat about modeling and interact with your fellow members. Here are the results:
- We had 28 folks respond which is about 33% of our membership.
- Preferred day of the Week: Saturday (Thursday and then Wednesday following close behind.)
- Preferred time of the day: 7:00 PM with 15 votes (No other time slot received more than 3 votes.)
With these results in hand what I am proposing is that we will hold the first Saturday “Get-Together” on Saturday, February 27th at 7:00, I will bring that up for a vote under old business at the upcoming membership meeting on the 14th of February.
Finally, we are always looking for anyone interested in providing a clinic or a layout tour following future Zoom meetings. If interested please let us know through the SMD Gmail account as soon as possible: southmoutaindiv@gmail.com. We now have lined up clinics/presentations for the next two months with help from a few of our members. For February, Bob Morningstar will give a presentation on “DecoderPro”, and for March, Bob Geldmacher will give a presentation on “3-d printing”. Hopefully, we can get a couple more to round out our meeting year.
I hope that everyone is well and that those that are eligible for the vaccine can get their shots promptly.
Hope to see you all on Sunday the 14th of February 2021 at 2:00 PM.
Jerry Skeim, Superintendent