I would like to introduce myself to those members who may not have heard that I was elected as the new SMD Superintendent last month. My name is Jerry Skeim and just briefly, I live in Thurmont, MD and have been an NMRA member for just shy of 50 years. I moved from the Washington DC area in 2017 to Thurmont and have enjoyed being a member of the South Mountain division since that time. I am looking forward to a good year, hoping for a time that we can get together in person before next summer, safely without the fear of this current public health crisis.
Just letting everyone know, our next scheduled meeting is on Sunday, October 11th by using the ZOOM application. Please email the Division at southmountaindiv@gmail.com for meeting credentials. Meeting will start at 2:00 pm. There will be the business meeting and if there are any of you that would like to participate in a little show and tell highlighting any modeling that you have done over the summer or show updates to your layout you are more than welcome to do so. I will ask for any volunteers to show us their work after we adjourn the meeting.
In other news
Since my election last month I would like to report that the division has retained the talents of the following modelers in their roles as advisory staff to both myself and to the division. Those folks include Mr. Bob Johnson, Mr. Don Florwick, Mr. Pete Clarke and Ms. Jane Clarke along with Mr. Alex Polimeni as the Asst. Super, and Mr. Tom Fedor as our Wheel Report Editor, as well as additional social media and webmaster positions. I do want to mention that besides being on the Advisory committee Pete Clarke has agreed to again handle the reins of the Mini-Con, should conditions permit, and Jane Clarke will continue to be our AP coordinator. Thank you to one and all, I am very grateful for your continued support, advice and counsel as we navigate the coming year.
If you are not that familiar with the ZOOM meeting format or the process on logging in, the meeting site will open 1 hour early on Sunday at 1:00. That will give those of you who might want to do an early login or if you are logging in to ZOOM for the 1st time it gives you an opportunity to do so. Hopefully you won’t feel rushed and be able to be on board at the start of our meeting at 2:00.
From the members
Jay Beckham – Would like the membership to know that he has 50 plus years of MRR, RMC and other model magazines to give away. He can be reached at JAMES@thebeckhams.us.
Hope to see you all on Sunday the 11th at 2:00.
Jerry Skeim, Superintendent