First, I would like to thank Pete and Jane Clarke for offering to host the February meeting. Unfortunately they had to cancel, literally at the last minute, due to that nasty COVID-19 virus. Fortunately they realized what was going on in time so they did not pass the virus on to the rest of the Division. I am hereby offering them the opportunity to be one of the 2024/2025 program years hosts.
Speaking of the 2024/2025 program year, I am seriously concerned about the future of the South Mountain Division. In last month’s Wheel Report I again issued a call for volunteers to step-up to support the Division by serving as officers, support staff, meeting hosts, and clinic presenters. To date, I have received one offer to host a meeting next year (including Pete and Jane that makes two volunteers), and no expressions to serve as officers or to fill non-elected positions.
If we cannot find members who will, at the bare minimum, fill the elected positions we will have no choice but to declare the Division inactive and turn our rather substantial Division funds over to the Mid-Eastern Region. I do not want to see this happen, but we cannot depend on only two or three people to run the Division year after year.
In addition to meeting hosts (2024/2025 program year) I am still seeking volunteers for the elected positions of:
- Superintendent (president)
- Clerk (secretary)
- Paymaster (treasurer)
As per our bylaws, all Division officers must live within the Division’s territory.
There are other unofficial positions that serve at the pleasure of the Superintendent. Again, as per the bylaws the Superintendent will appoint the following committees and officials:
- An assistant superintendent, who will act as superintendent when the superintendent is absent or otherwise unable to serve, and will perform any duties assigned by the superintendent.
- An advisory committee, who will attend officer meetings and advise the current Division officers.
- A nominating committee of two or more members.
- A (financial) audit committee of two or more members.
- An editor for the official publication of the Division.
- An achievement program coordinator.
- Other committees and officials, as needed, to carry on the activities of the Division.
-Bob Johnson