Hey, folks! It’s your friendly Division newsletter editor, Alex Polimeni. As you’ve likely noticed, I’ve struggled to deliver a timely, informative Wheel Report since taking over from the always capable Tom Fedor last year.
The vision behind this new era of the Wheel Report was to move from a magazine- style format toward more of a bulletin- not unlike the publication’s very namesake.
What this format requires (and I’ve not been quick enough to deliver upon) is punctual sourcing. My intention, going into the current SMD year, has been to publish the WR the Sunday two weeks before a membership meeting (and yes, you’re reading this one week before our November meeting at Steve King’s).
If we infer a deadline allowing several days lead time, and 2-3 weeks for you to work up quality content, I need to be prepping your WR about two months in advance. So, here’s how I intend things to shake out going forward…
The WR deadline for content submission will be the 3rd Sunday of each month. In addition to the Superintendent’s editorial, upcoming meeting details, and Division management info, you can expect the following articles:
Recent Activities
I’ll be asking about what we’ve been up to at each month’s meeting, so that I may get in touch and share what our Division members have been up to in the wider world of model railroading.
Coming Events
A shortlist of railroad related things happening in our area. I’ll need everyone’s help on this one, though, as you always hear about things I’ve no idea about.
Bits & Bobs
My personal favorite, inspired by club newsletters of olde. Don’t worry, I’ll pester folks directly for this one.
Trackside Photos
Everyone has a smartphone these days, so please, put them to use! Submit a photo of something on your layout (or a layout you’ve visited!) with a brief caption, and I would love to add it in.
Member Highlight
Something I’ve wanted to do since the start, I’d like to begin writing up brief interviews/biographies of Division members- especially newcomers!- and covering their stories in the WR. Considering our Division covers four states, we have an incredibly varied membership and I would very much like to reflect that.
So, yeah! That’s the plan. I’ve dropped the ball thus far, and can only thank you for the incredibly gracious patience you’ve shown for it. I’ve already begun assembling some the above for our December WR, and I am very excited to finally realize the things I’ve seen in my mind’s eye since taking over as editor.
I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, and we’ll talk again soon!