In keeping with the way our world has been for the past couple of years, the 2022-2023 SMD meeting year is getting off to a bad start but hopefully that will change going forward.
First I want to thank Alex for his work as Superintendent over the past several years, including a no notice return to the position last year.
My hope was to have all of the initial planning for the year completed and a Wheel Report out to you by the 22nd of August. Considering today’s date that obviously is not going to happen so interim arrangements are being made. The delay is totally my fault and unfortunately was driven by a medical issue on my part. Hopefully that is resolved and the current goal is to have a Wheel Report out to you sometime in late September. Remember, our new Wheel Report editor (Alex Polimeni) is always interested in any content you can provide.
2022-2023 Plans
The September meeting will be conducted via ZOOM on September 11th and will be hosted by Alex (I will be in Arizona at that time). Details and log-on information will be provided at a later date.
Starting with the October meeting I want to return to face to face meetings held at member’s homes and / or other appropriate venues. The October meeting will be held at my house (October 9th) where you will have to opportunity to see the West Virginia Midland Railroad. Not much has been accomplished on the railroad over the past several years but the entire basement has been re-modeled (around the layout).
I would also like to see more live clinics given by members and / or guests at the meetings. At this time I am asking for volunteers to host meetings in November through March and in May. Though not confirmed at this point, we hope to be producing the Mini-Con in April of 2023 at Blue Ridge Summit. In addition I am looking for volunteers to give the clinics at both the meetings and the Mini-Con. If you want to host and do a clinic at the same time go for it!!
If you would like to host a meeting or present a clinic please let me know as soon as possible <southmountaindiv@gmail.com>. FYI – we could use a clinic in October. Also, if you know any people who are railroad enthusiasts, but not members of the SMD, feel free to invite them to a meeting.
Bob Johnson, SMD Superintendent
PS: Don’t forget that Main Line Hobby Supply will be holding their annual open house on September 17th and 18th. Stop by, drop a few dollars, and pick up the guide book for the annual layout open house tour. Brian and Bonnie have promised a banner year for the tours in term of the number of layouts open including some that have never been on the tour before.