Welcome to 2021! I wish I could say that January 1st completely wipes away 2020, but I can’t. What I can say is that we are continuing to plan a great convention for all of us to get together in 10 month’s time. Expect registration to open in the second quarter with a flurry of announcements before then (you thought I was going to say snow, didn’t you?).
During newsletter signup, and via the website contact page, all are invited to express what you would like to see or do at the convention. If you’ve submitted a request, it’s in the graphic above, and we are actively working to build clinics and events for you.
Should your idea, clinic or interest not be covered by an event listed on the website, take a moment to reach out to us, as other modelers have, and we’ll make something happen!
Share this with your fellow hobbyists.
Stay safe. Wear a mask. Socially distance. Get the vaccine.
Together we can be together in 2021.
[Source Mt. Clare Jct. Convention Committee info@mtclarejct.com -ed]