Just letting you know, once again, that we’re meeting this Sunday, March 8th at Jay Beckham’s home in Berkeley Springs, WV. Doors open at 2PM for the layout tour, with the business meeting and a clinic about laser cutting to follow. I’m told there’s more to see on the layout since the last time the Division has visited, so make sure not to miss it! Please email me at southmountaindiv@gmail.com if you need directions.
Keep in mind, this will be our last meeting before April’s Mini-Con. You will also find an impeccably prepared post of our February meeting minutes HERE.
In other news, May’s election meeting is fast approaching! You can review our bylaws referencing nominations and elections by clicking HERE, and in particular, I’d like to draw attention to this point:
“In addition, any three members may nominate someone via a written notice to the Nominating Committee, with the permission of the nominee. Such nominations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee at least thirty days ahead of the election.”
So, if there’s someone you’d really like to give a little “push” into the Super’s chair, well, you have the means to do so! Heaven knows, it’s how I got the job. Our nominating chair this year is Ron Polimeni, who can be reached at ronpolimeni@gmail.com .
I’d also like to take a moment to recognize Wheel Report editor Tom Fedor for another great year of our little Division publication, and to thank you guys for the contributions which make it possible, too.
Hope to see you all this Sunday,
Alex Polimeni, Superintendent