Hey there,
I’m writing to invite you all to our March meeting at Hobbytown USA in Frederick, MD next Sunday, March 10th. You’re welcome to arrive before 2PM, with the business meeting to begin no later than 2:30pm. The address is…
454 Prospect Blvd, Frederick, MD 21701
The store has an example layout featuring N, HO, and O-scales. Furthermore, Richard Benjamin has also advised that the Hagerstown and Frederick Railway Historical Society’s artifacts are on display at the Frederick library, which is open from 1-5. For more information, you can visit the library’s website here.
After the meeting adjourns, we’ll be joined by special guest speaker Michael Groves of Dwarvin Enterprise, who will be giving a presentation on “Lighting without Wiring.” You can find out more about it on his website, dwarvin.com.
In other news, if you haven’t already seen it, the Spring issue of the Wheel Report is available now! I’d like to give a shout out to our editor Tom Fedor and all the contributors that have made this winter’s Wheel Reports possible. Check it out here.
It’s the time of year for officer elections, and Scott Schill has generously volunteered to be Nominations Chair once again. If you would like to put yours or another Division members’ name in the hat for the positions of Superintendent, Clerk or Paymaster, please reach out to Scott at scottschill@comcast.net . The election itself will take place during our May meeting, and I’ve attached the relevant bylaws Article for ease of reference, as well.
Article XIII Terms of Office, Nominations, and Elections
1. The Superintendent and Clerk-Paymaster will serve one-year terms.
2. No one may fill more than one elected position simultaneously except for brief transition periods.
3. In preparation for each year’s annual meeting and election, the Nominating Committee will solicit candidates, explaining the requirements of the position. In addition, any three members may nominate someone via a written notice to the Nominating Committee, with the permission of the nominee. Such nominations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee at least thirty days ahead of the election.
4. The names of the candidates for office will be communicated to the membership at least fifteen days before the election.
5. If contested, the election will be conducted by the Nominating Committee Chair at the annual meeting via secret ballot. Ballots will be counted and results announced before the close of the meeting. Positions will be filled by a simple plurality of votes.
6. Members elected will take office on July 1.
7. In case of a vacancy in an elected position (article VIII), a special election can be held at any Division meeting. Special elections must be held in accordance with the rules defined above.
Stay safe, stay warm, and I hope to see you all there!
Alex Polimeni, Superintendent