Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser
Draft Meeting Minutes – February 13, 2022
Division members met remotely on the internet using the Zoom platform. 16 or so were present. Superintendent Alex Polimeni opened the zoom session prior to the published start time for logging in and sharing.
During the lead-up to the meeting, the following was shared:
- Mini-Con Chair Grant Berry requested that his e-mail address be shared with the membership.
- Those attending welcomed the multiple “Harveys” present and commented that at least one of them had long ears and was assumed to be elegantly attired. But no one could be sure, since he was not visible.
- Bill Wilson described some electronic timers he and John Madden have been experimenting with.
- There was a question of the by-law quorum requirements.
The Superintendent called the business meeting to order at about 2:30 pm.
22.2-1 Paymaster’s Report: Paymaster Ray Price reported the SMD bank balance was $3,508.43 (the same as last month). The Superintendent will re-forward the receipts for zoom renewal ($157.40), which the Paymaster has not received. The renewal will last until the summer of this year (2022) at which time the elected officers and Advisory Committee can consider further renewal.
22.2-2 Clerk’s Report (Meeting Minutes): The attendees dispensed with the reading/summary of the minutes (previously distributed by e-mail). Ron Polimeni made the following motion (second by Tom Fedor):
Motion: That the draft Minutes for the January 2022 meeting be approved as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
22-1.3 Nominations Chair: A volunteer for this position is still needed.
22-1.4 Newsletter & Editor: A replacement editor is needed. The deadline for Tom Fedor’s last issue is next week.
22-1.7 2022 Mini-Con – Saturday, April 23, 2022 (confirmed): The Mini-Con is open to the public, not just NMRA members.
- Masks: Being considered, although the Fire Department does not have any requirements.
- Distancing and Table Spacing: Chair Berry has sketched out a preliminary table layout and has reviewed it with Brian Wolfe. See item “A” below for more about tables.
- Number of Attendees: Attendance is likely to be self-limiting, but a 50% attrition can be expected.
- Food and Refreshments: Although the SMD has decided to avoid providing food because of difficulties with past vendors, Chair Berry advised considering on-site food and refreshments in light of the pandemic and of the desire to keep attendees at the Mini-Con for afternoon sessions. Even though we cannot be confident in the number of expected attendees, those present decided to investigate the food truck suggested by Brian Greenawalt.
- Clinics:
A. Informal Clinics: Chair Berry has been contacting past informal clinicians. So far, he has 19 to 20 tentatively lined up. He reminded everyone that NMRA membership is not required for participation as a clinician. With 20 tables available, 10 alternating clinics can go on during each of the 2-time slots and still allow clinicians to leave their work set-up at their table. It was pointed out that in the past, there often was not enough room for all who wanted to listen to a particular presentation. (Hopefully, more table spacing will alleviate that problem.) Chair Berry will check with clinicians about their electric power requirements.
B. The make-and-take clinics: Brian Greenawalt has obtained laser cut kits from Carolina Craftsmen Kits (Jeff Grove). And it was suggested asking Brian to request DPM kits. Additional assistance will be required; 1 leader is not enough to field all questions. As in the past, preference for participation will be given to younger modelers.
C. Formal Clinics: Chair Berry listed the following possibilities:
- Pete Clarke – EBT
- Alex Polimeni – Game design as it applies to model railroad operations – Alex expressed his willingness to defer to another clinician.
- Bob Geldmacher – topic TBD
- Fiber optics supplier – fiber optic lighting
- John Pursell – the miser’s guide to model railroading
- TCS – decoder installation
The expected number of audience members for the formal clinics has been relatively low in the past. The Division’s projector has not been found, but Bob Johnson has one he can loan. We have the screen.
6. Set-Up: 7 a.m.: Some who have set up in the past will not be available this year. Grant Berry and Don Florwick will need assistance. Alex Polimeni volunteered to help.
7. Publicity: Don Florwick will notify other Divisions, the Region, and National. Deadlines for the magazine have probably been missed. He will also contact local clubs. Tom Fedor will publish information in the Wheel Report and on the SMD website.
8. Raffle: Bob Johnson made the following motion (second by Steve Green):
Motion: The Mini-Con include a raffle for a $150 gift card to Mainline Hobbies. The motion passed unanimously.
Ray Price will review past procedures and coordinate the raffle.
9. Insurance: Since the Mini-Con is an SMD event, Chair Berry was directed to consult Pete Clarke and Bob Charles about obtaining NMRA insurance.
New Business: There were no items of new business discussed.
Adjournment: The superintendent accepted a motion to adjourn. The next meeting will be held remotely by zoom on Sunday, March 13, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. Members will be reminded by e-mail.
Minutes submitted by Clerk Harvey Heyser
There was no clinic scheduled following the February business meeting.