Clutter from the Super’s Desk
The Mini-Con is fast approaching, and I want to thank Pete & Jane Clarke, once again, for doing the heavy lifting to make it happen, as well as all the Division members who have volunteered their time to present a clinic. This event really is something special, and that’s because of you.
Although we’ve had an incredible response for meeting hosts over the past years, we need more volunteers. It’s been Division practice to wait a couple of years before returning to a member’s home. This precedent has caused the well to run dry, so to speak. With that said, if you think you might be interested in hosting, please reach out. I’ve communicated with several members this past season who indicated they don’t have much to show, when in fact they have a fabulous basement full of trains. Additionally, I’m also looking at ways we can make use of clinics along with other railroad activities to bolster our meetings, so that folks who want to host but don’t have a layout can become involved.
Finally, I’d like to remind everyone that 2019/20 Division elections happen in May. If you would like to make a nomination for any officer positions, contact this year’s nominations chair, Scott Schill at scottschill@comcast.net.
Alex Polimeni, Superintendent, Division 10